lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

Any Difference?

Just One: Carrie has prettier dresses.

Anyway, fantastic TV series, lots of fun and hours of debate and conversation... A post on Sex & the City is about to arrive to Youkali, but you have to be patient, I want it to be gorgeus!Samantha, Charlotte, Carrie... You´re GREAT!!! But please, could you let that lobster in the sea again?? What was its name... Tony??

Could it be a revenge? Oh no!! Baby I swear is deja vu...

And by the way...THANK YOU!!! For this great series and so many happy moments watching it together...I´m talking to you, best friend of mine, one of my happy three friends.

1 comentario:

  1. Estos chas-carrie-llos están muy bien traídos!!
    Eres un envidioso, porque ni eres tan buena persona como Carrie ni tan buen actor como Cynthia... (ehem).
    A mí también me encanta ver la serie (contigo). XD Es broma, tú me la descubres de una manera nueva y refrescante, como un... refresco... nuevo.
    I love you!!!
